Monday, January 30, 2012

How far is a 5K?

I have a goal, I want to run the Tinkerbell half marathon next year. I want to stay at the Disneyland hotel and hobble around disneyland the day after with a huge sense of accomplishment. In case you don't know, which I bet most of you do, a half marathon is 13.1 miles. I must say I get a bit nervous thinking about making it such a distance. But I know I can do it, especially since I would be jogging past my favorite attractions. Training must start immediately. First step is to start running, any distance, all the time. My wonderful friend Molly found me a double jogging stroller. It was a necessity, I couldn't imagine the cost of finding a babysitter every morning so I could run. So the new plan, starting next week everyday after I drop Gabriella at school I'll take the twins for a run. I hope they'll like it. Once I build up my distance there is a great park they can play at when we stop half way. I hope this works out, I hope I can stick with it. It's a year away, such a long time to keep up a goal. But with my Disneyland passes I can remind myself of the goal. The first goal will be to run a 5k. A fun run if you will. Hopefully I can accomplish that in March.


  1. Hi Therese,
    You are amazing! What a great goal. I wish I was so ambitious. I've been considering running a 5K, and I was looking into a training group. Here's a local organization (for me) but they might know of something closer to you in SD.
    Love you!

  2. I think a 5k is a great place to start! I would love to go running with you sometime. Let me know! March is a great month for 5k's in San Diego. The America's Finest City Half is in August. There is a training program that starts in June. You could build up enough mileage between now and then to do it. It is one of my favorite races.

    You can do this!

    Laura Lohr | My Beautiful Life

    1. BTW, the America's Finest City Half also has a 5k. It's a great race.

  3. I'm sure you've seen this site already but I have heard good things about the Couch to 5K program.
