Saturday, January 21, 2012


The thing about diets is that if you cheat you are only hurting yourself. Rationalizing your choices by making excuses for bad behavior is still cheating. I was reading a cool blog about a woman's food journal. The difference between my journal and hers was that rather than putting in only meals and snacks she included every sip, lick and taste. Anything that went into her mouth she made note of. I do not do that, but probably should. I find myself sampling the kids food, to check for temperature or seasoning. I have a tasting spoon next to my stove which I use constantly when I cook. It's the sign of a good cook, but it's also a sign of denial. I know there is butter in the little girls eggs and that I don't really need to have a giant bite to make sure they aren't too hot. I could easily check the temperature with my finger, but I don't. I want some of those delicious eggs and I never write my sample down. Today I found myself taste testing my guacamole with a chip, to make sure the seasoning was good. I started by having a chip, adjusting the seasoning, having another chip, adding some salt, having another chip then a squirt of lime, well you get the point. I probably had one serving of chips just "testing" the guac. I need to hold myself more accountable because no one else is. No one else knows what I eat in a day. I can lie in my food journal but the scale knows the truth and deep down so do I.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of my younger years of working in the restaurant and retail. I used to pretend there was always someone watching me to help guide my behavior, because often times there was: secret shoppers, cameras, what-have-you.

    Your awareness of your habits is half the battle!

    You're doing great! Keep up the good work! I keep checking in here to see how you are doing. I am watching you. :)

    Laura Lohr | My Beautiful Life
