Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 6/Day 7

This post is late because I was busy walking around yesterday. I need to dust off my pedometer so I can actually have a number to put in my weight watchers points. The family and I went to the World Famous San Diego zoo as our family outing. We walked all over the zoo, I pushed the girls in the stroller. It was easy to eat healthfully because salads are available all over the park. Dinner was a simple piece of fish, expertly prepared by my husband. My calves are hurting today and when I did my cardio work out I stopped at about 25 minutes because it was burning so badly.

Today I was dying for Risotto, now there isn't really a way to make this low calorie. But I did have a small serving and added to it with a lot of spinach. The girls loved it and I think I'll use it as a tasty lunch treat for them the rest of the week.

Drinking has become a bit of a challenge these days. The goal is to drink a gallon of water a day, which is completely possible, but it gets so boring. I got a bag of lemons at the store and I'm already tired of having lemon in my water. I'm thinking of branching out to different fruits, tomorrow maybe blueberries or apples? I'll let you know how they turn out.


  1. What a great idea on the water. I REALLY struggle drinking any large amounts of water - but I think I should give it a shot. Lime is really good in water too ... a nice change.

    Found a site you might like?? Yes, ANOTHER one

    Keep up the great work, Therese! It's motivating to read your posts.

  2. You are doing great, Therese! Don't forget to take some before pictures and your measurements so you can see how far you come. You can do this! xoxo

    Laura Lohr | My Beautiful Life

  3. Hi! I'm Martha's friend. She sent a FB message. I think you are doing great. You've been doing a TON more exercise that I have. I'm on weight watchers too. The points thing is hard. If you have any recipes you find that you love, please share them. I'm always looking for something new to eat. I hope I get to meet you in person one day!
