Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 4

Thank you to all who suggested websites, I plan to try all of them. Also thank you to those who are following, you being there is a constant source of encouragement and accountability. By the way in case you haven't noticed there will hopefully be one post a day for the whole year. It may be short and silly but I am hoping I can get at least 340 posts on this blog for the year. I'm giving myself time off for a vacation that hasn't been planned yet.

Ah Saturday, a day for sleeping in and lounging around in pajamas. I did start the day that way but at 8:45 I strapped on my bra and turned on my Zumba. I was a little fearful because my husband was home. He's never seen me work out...ever. We've gone running together once, when I was in peak shape and he just looked at me over his shoulder the whole time, holding a full conversation with me only grunting or wheezing in response. Plus of course I'm jiggling all over the place and the video itself is so cheesy. He put the girls down for a nap and came out to work on putting away the Christmas decorations. He made a few comments about how silly the people in the video looked but that was it. The good news, I made it through the full 45 minute work out. I hope it's the first of many 45 minute work outs. There was a filling sense of pride as I limped towards the shower.
Food wise everything was homemade today. I have to say it's so much easier to monitor points when you make your own food. I managed to come in under the point total and I had a nice glass of wine with dinner.

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