Wednesday, February 8, 2012

First Run

Well this morning I charged up my ipod, grabbed a bottle of water, loaded up the kids and went for a run. I only made it about 4 songs on my ipod before I realized that the tires are basically completely flat when the kids are in the stroller. I slowed my already snails pace because I didn't want to blow a tube. The girls were well behaved or at least I assume they were since I couldn't really look down. The stroller pulled so hard to the right that it was a fight to keep it going straight. Today's run was cut short because I couldn't assure the safety of the kiddos. We pulled into the driveway and I parked them in front of the garage. I spent a few minutes shuffling stuff around and managed to park the stroller in there with no problem. It saves me from figuring out how to fold the thing and it will be easier to get in and out.
I must make a note to fill the tires before tomorrows attempt.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I'm one step closer to actually starting to run. My dearest friend found a double stroller and I brought it home yesterday. Today I loaded up the little girls, carefully wrapping a blanket around them, just in case I picked up enough speed to actually cause a breeze and tested it out on our short walk to school. Turning it is a new experience for me, I've never had a fixed wheel stroller. Also it probably weighs three times as much as my side by side does. After Gabriella went into school I took the girls for a quick walk around the neighborhood. We made it maybe a few blocks before it started to sprinkle and I turned around and headed home. It was a quick jog home in an effort to keep the girls from getting wet. The ride was smooth but I know it's going to take me a while to get use to it. Tomorrow, baring any weather issues we will take our first real run.

**Just a note, when I say run I probably mean more of a hurried shuffle. I'm by no means going to be moving fast, but still it's still moving.